Corporate Governance
To empower innovation through materials, science, and collaboration.
CULTURE: We foster an environment of cohesion and belonging, where innovation and collaboration are essential.COURAGE: We challenge the status quo and find new ways to grow our company and each other.COMMUNITY: We communicate with integrity, transparency and respect.OWNERSHIP: We deliver our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results.Zippertubing firmly believes that ethically conducting ourselves and doing the right thing is fundamental to our operations as a company and as individuals. This approach enables our customers and business partners to trust us, our shareholders to invest in us, our external stakeholders to respect us, and the most talented individuals to join us in working for Zippertubing.
This policy outlines the global sustainability standards for Zippertubing suppliers to adhere to.
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Zippertubing is committed to conducting business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Upholding this commitment is critical to maintaining our outstanding reputation in the communities where we conduct our business. Suppliers must comply with Zippertubing's Code of Conduct and Ethics. We require the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business activities.
Legal Compliance
Zippertubing is fully committed to adhering to all legal requirements. Our suppliers must also comply with all applicable legal requirements, and take all necessary steps to prevent any incidents or conditions that might lead to a violation of the law. In addition, any purchased materials used in the manufacture of goods must meet current governmental, safety, and environmental regulations, as well as electrical and electromagnetic considerations that apply to the country of manufacture and sale.
Human Rights
Zippertubing is dedicated to upholding human rights and labor principles both within its organization and throughout its supply chain. The company values its employees as one of its most crucial resources and is unwavering in its commitment to treating all employees with dignity and respect. Moreover, all suppliers must adhere to the local laws governing the employment relationship.

Women's rights
Zippertubing suppliers will adhere to the principle that women deserve political, economic, and social equality. This approach is guided by the belief in eliminating all forms of discrimination against women.
Child Labor
Zippertubing suppliers are prohibited from employing underage children in their respective locations.
Forced Labor, Human Trafficking
Zippertubing prohibits the use of forced or involuntary labor and abusive disciplinary practices.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Zippertubing expects its suppliers to foster inclusive cultures that value diversity, celebrate differences, and empower everyone to reach their full potential. Suppliers should encourage diversity at all levels of their workforce.
Rights of minorities and indigenous peoples
Zippertubing expects its suppliers to respect the rights of local communities to have access to decent living conditions, education, employment opportunities, and social activities, and the right to provide their Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) to any proposed development that could impact-influence them or the lands where they reside.
Wages and Hours, Working Conditions
Suppliers are required to follow all relevant wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, and maximum working hour rules, and provide legally mandated benefits. We encourage suppliers to go above these legal requirements by providing wages and working conditions that meet the local industry standards.

Privacy and Data Protection
Zippertubing requires all of its suppliers to respect the privacy of all employees and anyone else involved in the business process. This includes complying fully with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), which should be included in the suppliers' internal management documentation. All information and documents, whether from past, current, or future projects, are considered the property of the customer and must be protected from unauthorized access. Any unauthorized disclosure of protected information of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Coercion, Harassment and Discipline
Zippertubing holds its suppliers accountable for treating their employees with dignity and respect. The company expects suppliers to have appropriate systems in place to prevent, detect, and resolve any instances of unacceptable worker treatment. This includes but is not limited to, harassment, discrimination, inappropriate use of discipline, physical or mental punishment, and other forms of intimidation or abuse.
Zippertubing is dedicated to ensuring that all employees have access to a professional work environment that is free from any form of unlawful discrimination and harassment. As per our expectations, suppliers should base all employment decisions on factual and individual merit. They should refrain from any discriminatory hiring and employment practices while following all applicable employment laws.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Suppliers need to uphold their employees' right to choose whether to join or not to join a trade union, or to have recognized employee representation in compliance with local laws. Suppliers are expected to maintain positive communication and negotiate fairly with such representatives. Workers, worker representatives, or trade union members should not be harassed, discriminated against, or penalized for their interest and/or membership in, or affiliation with, a trade union, or their legitimate trade union activities, per international labor standards.
Suppliers shall abide by all local, state, and federal laws regarding whistleblowers and protection from retaliation.

Preventing Bribery and Corruption
Zippertubing is dedicated to conducting business in an ethical manner worldwide. The company strictly prohibits suppliers from providing or offering to provide any type of benefit, whether monetary or not, to employees or representatives of foreign governments, governmental agencies, political parties, or political candidates, to obtain or retain business. The suppliers must adhere to the highest standards of integrity and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Private or public security forces
Zippertubing suppliers may consider hiring either private or public security forces to safeguard their business projects. It is crucial; however, that the company ensures proper training and supervision of the security forces to prevent any potential violations of human rights.
Financial responsibility (accurate records)
It is the responsibility of suppliers to ensure that they accurately record, maintain, and report all business documentation, including financial accounts, quality reports, time records, expense reports, and other submissions to customers or regulatory authorities, as necessary. All books and records must be kept in accordance with the applicable laws and generally accepted accounting principles.
Disclosure of information
Zippertubing suppliers are committed to being transparent and responsible in disclosing both financial and non-financial information. This includes adhering to regulatory requirements and industry standards and providing information on labor practices, health and safety protocols, environmental initiatives, business activities, financial status, and performance.
Counterfeit parts
Suppliers will fulfill the requirement for companies to develop, implement, and maintain methods and processes appropriate to their products and services to minimize the risk of introducing counterfeit parts and materials into deliverable products. Business partners are also expected to establish effective processes to detect counterfeit parts and materials and, if detected, quarantine the materials and notify the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) customer and/or law enforcement as appropriate. Finally, companies are expected to confirm that any sales to non-OEM customers are compliant with local laws and that those products sold will be used in a lawful manner.
Intellectual property
Zippertubing suppliers are requested to protect creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; symbols, names, and images used in commerce. It is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyrights, and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create.
Fair Competition
The Zippertubing Company suppliers should abide by all local, state and federal laws regarding fair competition and anti-trust. ZTCO expects all of its suppliers to avoid in engaging in activities that preclude fair competition in their respective business markets.

Export controls and economic sanctions
Suppliers must comply with export restrictions on goods, software, services, and technology, as well as applicable trade restrictions involving certain countries, regions, companies, entities, and individuals.
Environmental, Health & Safety
Zippertubing is committed to complying with all applicable environmental, health, and safety legal requirements and protecting the environment. Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable environmental, health, and safety legal requirements and prevent incidents or conditions that might result in a violation of law or otherwise endanger the environment.
Suppliers must provide each employee with a safe and healthful work environment. Each supplier has the responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all employees by following health and safety rules and practices and reporting accidents, injuries, and unsafe equipment, practices, or conditions as stated in the Environmental, Health, and Safety Policy.
Environmental Sustainability
Zippertubing adopts the definition of Sustainability as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." For Zippertubing, this means being aware of our impacts and understanding how these affect the world around us. Our mission is to reduce these impacts while increasing the profitability and longevity of our company.
Zippertubing expects its suppliers to support Zippertubing's sustainability mission by complying with all applicable environmental laws, rules, and regulations while using resources wisely. Suppliers are expected to share Zippertubing commitments by developing and implementing a sustainability program focused on using natural resources responsibly, reducing water usage, reducing waste generation, preventing air pollution, improving energy efficiency, and reducing the carbon footprint of their operations. Zippertubing expects its suppliers to implement responsible chemical management regarding purchasing, usage, and handling.
Zippertubing is dedicated to being a leader in environmental, health, and safety practices by looking to continually improve and expand the company's policies and practices.
Reuse and recycling
Suppliers should establish processes to reduce waste by reusing existing materials or products rather than relying solely on recycling, which involves turning a product into a raw material that can be used again.
Land, forest, and water rights and forced eviction
Suppliers commit to avoiding forced eviction and deprivation of land, forests, and water in the acquisition, development, or other use of these resources.

Animal Welfare
Zippertubing is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior. Concerning animal welfare, we strictly require compliance with all legal requirements, and expect our suppliers to implement industry-best policies and practices that promote the ethical treatment of animals.
The financing of armed groups and conflicts
Zippertubing is committed to using components made from raw materials that are obtained from verified sources whenever possible. We require our suppliers to source their materials responsibly and ensure that these materials do not fund conflicts or human rights abuses, directly or indirectly. This policy focuses on the responsible sourcing and use of raw materials, including conflict minerals.
Social Sustainability
Zippertubing prioritizes community engagement as an essential element for building and strengthening communities. Volunteering is one of the ways that can help foster community engagement, and social sustainability encourages more people to participate in their communities and work together. Zippertubing shows its support for local charities in various ways, including volunteering at the local food bank. We are committed to ensuring that the budget and resources are sufficient to maintain these programs and expand our outreach in the future.
Implementation of Sustainability Standards in the Supply Chain
As per Zippertubing's Policy, all suppliers and subcontractors are expected to comply with the policy's requirements, which include identifying potential risks within their supply chains and taking appropriate measures to address them. Zippertubing suppliers are also required to implement sustainability requirements for their supply base in line with the policy's guidelines.
Right to Audit and Ensure Compliance
Zippertubing has the right to conduct audits to ensure that suppliers comply with the company's requirements. If a supplier violates, fails to correct, or has a pattern of violating this policy, Zippertubing may discontinue its relationship with that supplier. Additionally, Zippertubing may send out questionnaires regarding Supplier Sustainability Requirements and establish a rating system that could impact the awarding process.