Frequently Asked Questions
Some of our products are partially assembled and can have a quick finish. Most are built specific to the customers demand.
The name of the company is Zippertubing® and the products can vary. Please contact our technical support or engineering to find what product suits your application best.
Example Part Number – ZT99-16-052-1.0-B-B
Download a PDF of this example to keep for your future reference.

ZT – This is the start of all finished products
ZTXX | XX = the year that the product was first built.
ZT99-XX | XX = the closure/category.
ZT99-16-XXX | XXX= the sequential order of a drawing.
ZT99-16-052-X.X | X.X = the diameter of the product in inches.
ZT99-16-052-1.0-X | X = the color of the jacketing material.
ZT99-16-052-1.0-B-X | X = the color of the closure.
ZT99-16-052-1.0-B-B-X600.0 | the length as described in inches, if applicable.
Many of our bundling and shielding products are UL rated. Look for the UL mark on the product page or go here for a full list of our UL rated products.
Most of our products can be provided in custom lengths and ready to install. We can also easily add drain wire extensions, lugs, terminals, or other end finishing details that your project requires.
You can review our track comparison here or call one of our customer service or engineering representatives to help decide on the best closure.
Every installation is different but you can check out our tape wrapping guide for recommendations on usage.
If the part number starts ZTZ- or ZTR- you may have an old part number. Please contact one of our customer service or engineering representatives to help you determine the appropriate updated part number.
Shelf life information can be found on our website. View Here
The ZTQ sealing process is no longer recommended, we now recommend using ZT-Tape to seal the track.
The MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) is different for each product. Please request a quote from our customer service team at Lead time and Minimum order quantity will be included on this quote.
500 v/Mil x 35 Mil (thickness) = 17.5 Kv (17,500 Volts)
Convert inches to Mil: 0.035 X 1000 = 35 Mil(Thousandth of an inch)