Chilling Out: Evaluating Materials at Low Temperatures
In the last article, Turn up the Heat: A Materials Comparison at Elevated Temperatures, we showed a comparison of how the eight selected materials faired when subjected to a summer in Arizona. Here, we will discuss the changes to the mechanical properties when materials are subjected to low temperatures for 21 days.
To get a better feel for how different materials behave in a frigid environment, our material selection includes a wide range of materials. Below in Table 1, is a listing of the materials selected for evaluation.
Material Name |
Material Description |
Polymer Films |
Polyvinyl chloride film (20 mil) |
Fluorinated ethylene propylene film (5 mil) |
Polyether-based polyurethane film (10 mil) |
Fluorinated rubber film (16 mil) |
Coated Fabrics |
Polyvinyl chloride coated nylon fabric (23 mil) |
Polyvinyl chloride coated polyester fabric (10 mil) |
Polyurethane coated polyester fabric (14 mil) |
Fabric |
Canvas fabric (15 mil) |
Table 1. Listing of materials selected for evaluation.
How Can We Compare These Materials?
In our previous test, we compared tensile strength as it changed from the baseline value. Here, we will continue to do the same type of evaluation to understand how low temperatures affect the tensile strength of these materials. Just as before, the mechanisms for degradation can be at various scales. At low temperatures, however, the mechanisms are different than when heat or UV are involved.
Just like before, these mechanisms occur at different scales. See Figure 1 for some examples of degradation mechanisms. There are many changes that materials can undergo when exposed to low temperatures. Most of these effects happen at more than one scale, but can also have effects on other scales as well.
Experimental test set-up
Five groups of samples were tested, all differing by the amount of exposure to frigid conditions. See Figure 2 for the breakdown of groupings. Tensile strength was determined by a modified version of ASTM D638.
It should be noted that typically fabric, elastomeric and non-elastomeric samples follow different protocols when measuring tensile strength. The values here should only be regarded as qualitative values for comparison, rather than actual values of measured tensile strength.
As seen in the weathering test, the polymer films behavior was relatively stable. FEP-5 was the most stable material. FSR-16 and 63-20 stayed fairly constant after the initial increase from baseline seen at -30°C. Decreasing the temperature did not seem to influence the behavior too much. PFR-10 showed an increase at -50°C, but at the other temperatures seemed to stay relatively stable. Trevira had some fluctuations, but did not exhibit a large increase initially like the coated fabrics. PVL-10 exhibited a gradual increase throughout the testing. There was an increase from baseline to -30°, followed by another increase at -50°C. VNHLT-23, which is designed for low temperatures and RPH-14 showed quite a large increased in tensile strength initially.
Based on the data collected from this comparative study, we can conclude how these materials behave in a short-term low temperature test. Below in Table 2, the materials are compared by the observations and tensile strength measurements after each time interval in the study.
Tensile Strength (psi) |
Ranking |
-30 |
-40 |
-50 |
-60 |
-30 |
-40 |
-50 |
-60 |
+88.7 |
+83.1 |
+88.1 |
+88.6 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
-1.5 |
-0.04 |
+1.6 |
+0.79 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
+121.4 |
+119.9 |
+106.5 |
6 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
+49.9 |
+47.4 |
+47.9 |
+42.7 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
+281.8 |
+268.3 |
+448.0 |
+278.5 |
7 |
7 |
8 |
7 |
+72.1 |
+106.7 |
+181.9 |
+180.4 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
+313.2 |
+309.5 |
+310.4 |
+298.4 |
8 |
8 |
7 |
8 |
+34.1 |
+50.3 |
+19.6 |
+33.6 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
Table 2. Comparison summary of the result from this study. Tensile strength listed is the amount of change from the baseline for each respective temperature. Ranking is based off the magnitude of change from the baseline, with the least amount of change ranking better (i.e. closer to 1).
Final Thoughts
Out of all eight materials, FEP-5 showed very stable tensile properties when exposed to low temperatures. Trevira showed the next best properties, but the tensile strength did increase at all of the temperatures when compared to baseline. The increases however did not seem to correlate with temperature. Samples that increased from baseline, but were relatively stable included FSR-16, 63-20. The remainder of the samples showed fluctuations and the increases were quite large.
If your application involves low temperatures for long durations of time, it is important to understand how the material will behave at low temperatures. Even if the material has an operational temperature rating, it should still be evaluated for your application. A more useful range to know is the continuous use temperature range, as this provides the maximum temperature the material can withstand before significant degradation.
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