Z flex® (TPU) Polyurethane Pull-through Cable Sleeve

A flame-retardant, pull-through cable protection solution that offers the best in abrasion resistance and is equipped with a nylon cloth leader.

Drawing Number: ZT17-10-001

Z flex® (TPU) Polyurethane Pull-through Cable Sleeve

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Selected Part Number:ZT17-10-001-1.625-W-W
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Z flex (TPU) infographic
  • Complete, 360-degree protection and bundling
  • abrasion-resistant, ozone-resistant, microorganism-resistant jacketing
  • UL-rated for flammability, meeting UL 94 V-0

Z flex® (TPU) features the thermoplastic polyurethane film and a nylon cloth leader. The TPU jacketing is halogen free, making this material a viable option for medical industry applications. The jacketing is UL-rated with meeting UL 94 V-0 for flame retardancy. Additionally, the TPU offers superior abrasion resistance, as well as being resistant to ozone damage (Stage 0, “Crack Free”) and microorganisms. The nylon cloth leader allows for an easier installation; just wrap the oxford leader around wires or cables and pull-through. The double heat-sealed edges provide complete protection of components inside from debris, fluids, and other harsh environmental conditions.

Z flex® (TPU) is supplied in spool form, and can be cut to any length needed. Z flex® (TPU) is offered for diameters ranging from 1.625” to 3.5”, with custom sizes available upon request. The operational temperature range is 67°F to 225°F (-55°C to 107°C).

Q:  What lengths of Z Flex jacketing are available?

A:  Typical spool lengths for most sizes are 100 feet, but will depend on total order footage.  Custom lengths can be provided, just make sure to ask when ordering or include details on the PO for the lengths required.

Q:  Can I cut the tubing?

A:  Yes.  Standard scissors are suitable for cutting through Z Flex sleeves. 

Q:  What diameter of jacketing do I need?  Is it recommended to oversize?

A:  We will often suggest oversizing the sleeve diameter by 1/8” to allow for ease of installation.  If the application
requires significant bending or flexing we will suggest even more extra room.  For assistance with sizing you can also contact one of our design engineers.

Q:  What is the minimum bend radius of the tubing?

A:  There is no minimum bend radius for our Z flex products.  The flexible jacketing material allows for extreme amounts of bending and flexing.  The bend radius of the installed sleeving is typically dictated by the harness it is covering.

Q:  This jacketing looks flat, but I have a round cable, will this still work?

A:  Z flex was designed to be used on flat ribbon cables, but can be used on any shape of cable harness.  For round cables, ZTT or one of our many other jacketing options may provide a better fit.

Q:  What is the nylon pull-through leader and do I need it?

A:The nylon fabric leader is an optional installation aid.For short sections of tubing it is not necessary, but can be very helpful for longer cable runs.First, one end is tied, taped, or otherwise attached to the cable to be covered.Then the opposite end of the leader is pulled out of the Z flex jacketing, bringing the cable with it, through the sleeving.

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Overall Performance

  • Material: TPU-20
  • Diameter: 1.625" (1 5/8)
  • Maximum Operating Temperature: 257°F
  • Minimum Operating Temperature: -40°F
  • RoHS: RoHS-6
  • Shelf-Life: 60 months


  • Durability: Better
  • REACH: Compliant
  • Elongation: 350%
  • Flammability: Self-extinguishing
  • Color: White
  • Thickness: 0.020"
  • Thickness Variance: +/- 0.001"
  • Material: Thermoplastic polyurethane
  • Maximum Operating Temperature: 257°F
  • Minimum Operating Temperature: -40°F
  • RoHS: RoHS-10
  • Tensile Strength: 4,300 psi.
  • Ozone Resistance: Stage 0, "Crack Free"
Specifications subject to change without notice. All statements and technical information contained herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed under all circumstances. Before using Zippertubing® products, the user shall determine suitability for the intended use, and user assumes all responsibility for improper selection. Published attenuation values of Zippertubing® shielding have been verified by laboratory testing of the respective shielding materials. Actual installed attenuation values may differ due to installation techniques and final assembly operation parameters which are beyond the control of Zippertubing®. Actual attenuation values can only be determined by the end user testing the completed assembly. U.S. and International Patents and patents pending. © The Zippertubing® Company, Chandler, Arizona.
Z flex® (PFR) Polyurethane Pull-through Cable Sleeve  Channel-Wrap® (PFR) Robotic Cable Sleeving  Z flex® (63) PVC Pull-through Cable Sleeve
DESCRIPTION A military-grade, flame-retardant, pull-through cable and wire protection solution that has a nylon cloth leader.  A flexible, wrap-around robotic cable management sleeve with a Velcro-style hook-and-loop closure for bundling and protecting crucial wires and cables.  A pull-through bundling sleeve equipped with a nylon cloth leader, made of a 0.02” thick military-grade material that offers protection from abrasion & fluid.
Closure  Hook-and-Loop (Nylon)  
RoHS RoHS-6  RoHS-10  RoHS-6
Abrasion Resistance Best  Best  Best
Installation Type Pull Through  Wrap-Around  Pull Through
Purpose Sleeve  Sleeve  Sleeve
Min Temperature Extreme  Extreme  Low
Minimum Operating Temperature -67°F  -67°F  -4°F
Max Temperature Moderate  Low  Moderate
Maximum Operating Temperature 224°F  199°F  221°F
Flexibility Best  Best  Better
View  View  View
Z flex (TPU) infographic

Z flex® (TPU) Polyurethane Pull-through Cable Sleeve

A flame-retardant, pull-through cable protection solution that offers the best in abrasion resistance and is equipped with a nylon cloth leader.

Drawing Number(s): ZT17-10-001

Selected Part Number: ZT17-10-001-1.625-W-W

  • Complete, 360-degree protection and bundling
  • abrasion-resistant, ozone-resistant, microorganism-resistant jacketing
  • UL-rated for flammability, meeting UL 94 V-0
  • Z flex (TPU)
    Z flex (TPU) tpu tubing
    Z flex (TPU) thermoplastic polyurethane
    Z flex (TPU) cable management


  • Nylon cloth leader provides easier installation of pulling wires through
  • Lightweight jacketing with the best abrasion resistance
  • Operational temperature range is 67°F to 225°F (-55°C to 107°C)
  • Benefits

  • No tools are required for installation
  • Double heat-sealed edges offers complete protection
  • Z flex® (TPU) Polyurethane Pull-through Cable Sleeve

    Specifications subject to change without notice. All statements and technical information contained herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed under all circumstances. Before using Zippertubing® products, the user shall determine suitability for the intended use, and user assumes all responsibility for improper selection. Published attenuation values of Zippertubing® shielding have been verified by laboratory testing of the respective shielding materials. Actual installed attenuation values may differ due to installation techniques and final assembly operation parameters which are beyond the control of Zippertubing®. Actual attenuation values can only be determined by the end user testing the completed assembly. U.S. and International Patents and patents pending. © The Zippertubing® Company, Chandler, Arizona.

    Z flex® (TPU) Polyurethane Pull-through Cable Sleeve


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